The Winkler Center for Adult Learning    

Foundation Studies Program

This course of study and activity is a coordinated program of seminars and workshops based on the work of Rudolf Steiner and his contribution to the arts, education, philosophy and practical life. It is for the adult who wishes to continue learning and who has an interest in the meaning of life. For some it may be a time of transition, for others a long awaited opportunity.

Many Waldorf parents wish they had had a Waldorf education and see the
value of it in their children’s lives. This program is a way to participate as an adult student in Waldorf education. For many it is a time to address ideas and experiences that supercede the everyday rush of life. It is a prerequisite for teacher training and also an opportunity to explore one’s own life meaning and purpose.

The Winkler Center builds a study group each year that moves through the two-year program together. However, the participants commit to one year at a time. The Center also offers courses and workshops of shorter duration, all of which share the commitment to a view of the world that unites both the spiritual and physical nature of human beings and our history.

The time commitment is attendance from September to May (excepting all school holidays), one class a week and one Saturday morning a month.
For those interested in becoming a Waldorf teacher, the Waldorf teacher  trainings require such a program or its equivalent if one is not available. Graduates of this program have attended teacher trainings in all the Waldorf training canters across the country and many have become teachers without expecting to when they began this journey.

Child care has been available on Saturday mornings per request of the group.
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These courses comprise a unified whole with the intention of stimulating personal growth and fostering the understanding of Rudolf Steiner’s works. Philosophy is studied in light of the participant’s life experiences. The arts of painting, music, and eurythmy offer opportunities for artistic growth and supportive group interaction. There are many occasions to discuss Waldorf education. The courses are designed to foster understanding that arises from social interaction and creativity. Understanding the ideas through conversation and reflection is cultivated.


How to Know Higher Worlds, by Rudolf Steiner

Instructor: Diane Haley

This course will meet four times in September, on Wednesday evenings. This book addresses the questions of how it is possible to come to truth and spiritual knowledge reliably. It is an important introduction to all of Steiner’s work and will provide a method for discussion and group interaction.

Biography: Understanding the Phases of Life

Instructor: Diane Haley

This class is for the first year only and meets once a month in the full group with private mentoring sessions twice a year. We look at the characteristics of life phases, both in terms of our own lives and then in the context of others in history.

Theosophy, by Rudolf Steiner

Instructor: George K. Russell

Theosophy and related readings such as Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, and Man the Bridge Between Two Worlds by Franz Winkler are studied as an introduction to a spiritual view of life.

Meets twice monthly.

The Arts

Eurythmy: I and II

Instructor: Leonore Russell

Each group will have a once a month eurythmy class (calendar permitting) in the evening. We will practice the basics of movement, learning the gestures for the vowels and consonants and why movement is important for learning.

Saturday Arts: History of Consciousness Through Music with Eurythmy

Instructors: Jeanette Resnick and Leonore Russell

Both first and second year classes take this course together. We will begin with eurythmy and explore the development of human awareness as music has developed through history.

The class will learn the recorder, sing and listen to music.
Meets the second Saturday of the month from 8:45-12:30 (8 times)

2017-2018: History of Art with Painting and Eurythmy
Instructors: Diane Haley and Leonore Russell

Second Year Seminar Courses

These courses are open to those participants who have successfully completed the first year of the program, program graduates, and others by permission of the instructor.

Evolving Consciousness

Instructor: Diane Haley

Readings and discussion include Manifestations of Karma, Cosmic Memory and related lectures by Rudolf Steiner. Open to second year students and others with permission of the instructor.

This course continues the themes of the Biography study in the first year, expanding the view to topics of evolution and transformation of our world.

Meets on Thursday evenings.

Topics of Our Times

Instructor: George Russell

Readings from Rudolf Steiner, and others, dealing with issues of our times. Discussion and research. Issues are presented by the class and researched by the whole group. Some topics are: evolution, education, psychology, biodynamic farming and the environment.

Meets Thursday evenings twice a month.

*All courses are subject to review and change in the summer proceeding the program.

"Every class has truly great teacher. It is quite a privilege to learn from them."

"Great circle of friendship."

"Having discussion with everyone helped me grow a lot."

"It was a life changing experience."

"It opened my eyes to everything in life."

"As a child I didn't have much time of doing art, now I have a chance to go back to my childhood and do it again."

"The course is such a blessing and way to re-find myself."

"I loved Eurythmy, loved everything about it."




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2009 © Winkler Center

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